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Source code

Both the app and the server component are free software and licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

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The foundation for the WalkersGuide project was the diploma thesis with the title ” “Navigationssystem für blinde Fußgänger und ÖPNV-Nutzer” (“Navigation system for blind walkers and public transportation users”). It was completed at the TU Dresden, faculty of computer science in march 2014.

The thesis starts with a state of the art chapter, which lists current navigation aids for the blind and also covers some related research projects. After that follows a list of user requirements. The main part contains a concept for such a navigation system, based on the priorly defined user requirements. One of the concept’s key components is the integration of the public transportation system into the route calculation process. After a chapter about the prototypal implementation follows an evaluation of the created navigation system.

The document is only available in German and can be downloaded here: PDF and BibTeX.

Apps change log

Version 3.1.0

Date: 2024-07-08

Version 3.0.0

Date: 2024-03-10

New features:

Additional changes

The structure of the app has also changed. The “Favorites” tab has been replaced by the “Overview” tab. Your existing favorites were transferred to a collection and can now be found in the overview tab under the pinned profiles section.

The tab bar at the bottom of the screen is now permanently visible, allowing for easier switching between the main views of the app.

Some tabs now have their own tab bar. If available, this is located in the top area of the screen. For example, the “Overview” tab has two sub-tabs called “Pin” and “Track”. The newly named “Routes” tab, next to it, is divided into the sub-tabs “Navigate” and “Record”.

You can also quickly access all sub-tabs from other parts of the app. To do this, focus on the corresponding tab at the bottom of the screen and perform a long click or swipe through the Talkback actions.

Version 2.3.1

Date: 2023-06-14

Version 2.3.0

Date: 2023-06-10

Version 2.2.0

Date: 2023-05-18

Favorites: Routes are displayed in addition to points now (see the tab bar on top) Router: New Talkback accessible mini map of the next intersection GPX Import: Added option to import route from GPX file in reverse order

App settings: - New option: Screen remains active as long as the app is in the foreground. - New option: Keep Bluetooth headphone connection alive to prevent truncated voice commands.

Changes in the main menu - Options “Enter address”, “Enter coordinates” and “Point from link” now open the respective points details activity instead of creating a favorite point automatically. - Moved route GPX import from router fragment option menu into main menu (same behavior as described above)

Other: - EditText: ENTER key press on a physical keyboard triggers the configured action like start a search - public transport enabler library updated (2023-05-18)

Version 2.1.3

Date: 2023-02-08

Version 2.1.2

Date: 2022-11-14

Version 2.1.1

Date: 2022-09-25

Version 2.1.0

Date: 2022-07-17

Router tab:


Version 2.0.0

Date: 2022-04-17

Version 1.2.0

Date: 2020-12-27

Version 1.1.0

Date: 2020-07-15

Versions before 1.0.0

The WalkersGuide app versions up to 0.5.1 are not longer supported.